📍Kvaszinger ‘Relique’ Aszú 2016
🌍Tokaj, Ungarn
★★★☆☆☆ – 88/100
Denne gang skal vi anmelde dessertvin fra Tokaj.
Dyb gylden farven, næsten helt guld gul.
Vinen er meget enkelt og frugtdrevet, der er aromaer af, overmoden citron, konserveret pære, tørret abrikos, mint (mildt), honning.
Igen frugtdrevet som næsen, med aromaer af, syntetiske æbler, tørret abrikos, rosin, ovnbagt citron, honning, finsk lakrids. Balancen i vinen er ok, medium syre og medium+ viskositet, kunne godt have ønsker lidt mere fart på syren.
📍Kvaszinger ‘Relique’ Aszú 2016
🌍Tokai, Hungary
★★★☆☆☆ – 88/100
This time we are reviewing a sweet wine from Tokai, Hungary.
The wine is deep golden, almost gold in its look.
The Nose
It is a simple and fruity nose, with aromas of, overripe lemon, conserved peaches, dried apricot, mint and honey.
The Palette
Again as the nose, fruity, with aromas of, synthetic apples, dried apricot, raisins, ovenbaked lemon, honey and Finnish licorice. The balance is alright, with a medium acidity and a medium+ viscosity, personally I would love a bit more acidity.